donderdag 13 december 2018

Our Christmas tree

Hi guys!

I thought I'd show you some pictures of our Christmas tree. 

As you can see, it's a fake, black tree with white feather boa's instead of tinsel, cool white led lights and some white baubles. 
But we wouldn't be Disney fans if we didn't have Disney decorations, right? :p
So here are a few more pictures from the Disney decs. 

Fauna, Flora and Merryweather

Pink glittery Cheshire Cat, hanging upside down and holding a macaron in one paw and a candy cane in the other but you can't really see it very well. 

A classic Christmassy Mickey with a lantern

A classic Christmassy Minnie holding a baking tray

A gingerbread Mickey

A gingerbread Minnie and 2 gingerbread Mickey/Minnie plushies :)

Minnie is a star, obviously

Pink glittery Mickey Macaron

Pink glittery Tinkerbell holding a huge candy cane :) 

Sassy Tink in winter outfit

Again sassy Tink

Dreamy Tink on a white and silver flower

Tink with white feathers in a half open bauble

Tink wants to be the star as well...sorry Minnie

Christmas Pascal likes to hide in the tree...

Christmas Tsum Tsums from last years advent calendar and some candles

And ofcourse, we couldn't leave our Lego Wall-E without his colorful lights :) 
It's not much, but I love my little tree. As you can tell, most of my color scheme is white/silver/glittery. So it's hard to keep finding ornaments in that scheme...that's why I decided to add the Pink Glittery ornaments as well, to add a bit of color and I love pink so...yeh. :) And the classic Mickey and Minnie with the gingerbread versions...I just loved them when I saw them so I bought them last year.

Hope you liked the pictures and our tree. Do you have a special tree or do you love a more traditional one? Any special ornaments maybe? Something with a story behind it? Or just a nice memory? Let us know in the comments :)

We hope you'll have a lovely few weeks of 2018 and we wish that all your dreams may come true in 2019.
